
Evocation (Rendering and Modeling)

“Evocation: Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication” Agency: A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (MCSA-ITN 813170) Start: October 2018 – Sepmtember 2022 Project leader: Michael Wimmer   General information: This Marie-Curie project creates a

TU MUK: Idomeneo (Digital Architecture)

Opera in three acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart With Hany Abdelzaher, Sofija Almazova, Muratkan Atam, Ghazal Kazemi, Yaonjae Kim, Namil Kim, Erik Rousi, Aleksandra Szmyd, Eyrun Unnarsdottir, Xin Wang, and others. As well as choir and symphony orchestra of MUK.