GCD_24 Symposium on 8 November 2024 – talks on YouTube
We celebrated 10 years of GCD – listen to the speakers via YouTube.
ACD at DesignDistrict
Hofburg, Vienna – 04.-06.10.2024 Our ACD colleagues presented recent results in a VR and ML enhanced experience at DesignDistrict in collaboration with Christian Kroepfl. design-district.at
GCD_24 Symposium on 8 November 2024
With the symposium GCD_24 we celebrate 10 years of successful work at the Center for Geometry and Computational Design at TU Wien. Founded in 2014 by Helmut Pottmann – the Center has attracted leading researchers in the fields of geometry,
GCD Seminar
On Wednesday June 12th 2024 at 11am Julian Jauk is going to talk about “Advancing 3D Printing of Clay in Architecture”3D printing of ceramics started to gain ground in architecture over the past decades, yet digital fabrication of clay, allowing
24.5.2024 Lange Nacht der Forschung
Einem breiten und interessierten Publikum präsentierte GCD im Rahmen der Wiener Langen Nacht der Forschung Ergebnisse des SFB-Forschungsprojektes Advanced Computational Design (acd). The GCD/acd team enjoyed answering the many questions of the interested public. At times there were queues lining
GCD Seminar
Wednesday, May 22nd 2024, at 11am Przemyslaw Musialski on Neural Frontiers in Computer Graphics: Exploring Neuro-Symbolic Modeling This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of computer graphics research, with a specific focus on the intersection
4th Ernst Melan Lecture 26 April 2024 2pm HS13 live
Professor Pol D. Spanos, Ryon Chair in Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA, on “Pragmatic Methods for Nonlinear Stochastic Structural Dynamics”, on April 26, 2024, 2:00 p.m., HS 13 Ernst Melan, at the Vienna University of Technology. Methods of stochastic
GCD_23 – all the talks on video
GCD_23 took place on November 3rd 2023 at Kuppelsaal, TU Wien. Get the entire GCD_23 symposium playlist (embedded below) – or go straight to the individual talks, each about 45 minutes: SIMON GUEST, University of Cambridge, on Modelling the Geometry
3rd Ernst Melan Lecture 24 January 2024 3pm HS13 live
Prof. Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Laboratoire des fluides complex et leurs réservoirs, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Anglet, France, on “What can be expected from lattice modelling of quasi-brittle materials?”, on January 24, 2024, 3:00 p.m., HS 13 Ernst
SFB Advanced Computational Design – project extension
The SFB project “Advanced Computational Design” – a joint project by TU Wien participants from GCD, TU Graz and Universität Innsbruck – has been granted extended funding for another four years by FWF.
GCD Seminar
Wednesday, November 8th 2023, at 11am Marilies Wedl on the topic of her PhD thesis Rational Connections in Complex Structures. You can either attend in person: Seminarraum FAV05 (HA0503), 1040, Favoritenstr. 9-11, 5th flooror join online .
GCD_23 November 3rd 2023 TU Wien Kuppelsaal 9am – 6pm
Registration (with name and affiliation) is open until Oct 30th 2023 – via email to gcd-registration (at) geometrie.tuwien.ac.at The members of the Center for Geometry and Computational Design cordially invite faculty, students, company representatives and the public to
Lecture by Xavier Tellier
live at TU Wien, Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 1040 WienHörsaal 7 (DB02H04), Friday 2 June 2023, 11am: Xavier Tellier is going to talk about“New geometrical properties to make gridshells more affordable and adaptable”
Eurographics Award for Michael Wimmer
At the 2023 Eurographics Michael Wimmer received The Outstanding Technical Contributions Award, which is given each year to an individual in computer graphics to highlight some outstanding technical achievement.
CANCELLED: Advance AEC partner seminar online 27 March 4pm
Thomas Ortner, head of the Geospatial Visualization, Semantic Modelling, and Acquisition (GeoSMAQ) research group at VRVis TU Wien, on Digital Twins living in Smart Worlds – From Reconstruction to Decision Making He was invited by acd (which is the major
GCD at „WOHNEN & INTERIEUR“ – March 15-19 2023
GCD exhibits at the Fair: „WOHNEN & INTERIEUR“ – March 15.-19. 2023 at Messe Wien in the Area Sustainable Design from Austria (https://www.wohnen-interieur.at/) Visit us at Stand: A-0315 ! We will exhibit innovative furniture and objects produced using innovative digital methods developed within
This was the 7th GCD symposium on September 9th 2022 live at TU Wien
Kuppelsaal at TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13 Opening: Michael Wimmer (Head of GCD) Josef Eberhardsteiner (Vice Rector TU Wien) Invited Speakers: William F. Baker (SOM) Martin Bechthold (Harvard University) Henriette Bier (TU Delft) Ludger Hovestadt (ETH Zürich) Dieter Schmalstieg (TU Graz)
Open positions (SFB)
TU Wien is looking for exceptionally talented and highly motivated candidates for its SFB Advanced Computational Design. Please see the call for more details!
This was the GCD Symposium 6
GCD_2019 took place at TU Wien, Kuppelsaal, on Nov 29, 2019 . We had a series of lectures by leading researchers presenting recent developments in geometry, computer graphics, computational design and architectural engineering. Please forward this announcement to people who
The special research area (SFB): Advanced Computational Design
GCD (TU Wien) won SFB-grant to advance design tools for building planning through multi- and interdisciplinary basic research. Learn more about it here! Overview In the field of computer technology, many things are changing: virtual reality makes three-dimensional computer worlds
Announcement: GCD Fellowship call for applications
GCD invites PhD students to apply for a GCD Fellowship! Application Please be advised that the call for the GCD Fellowship is open until December 6, 2019. The fellow will be announced until January 31, 2020. Fellowship: max. €
New equipment
GCD acquired a specially equipped industrial robot for research in human-robot interaction. Furthermore, GCD purchased VR equipment for experiments in human factors in design (Pupil Labs eye tracker, Vive Pro HMD) and a powerful dual-GPU (NVIDIA Titan V) compute workstation.
Marshall plan scholarship fellow
For her research stay at PennState, PA (Dr. Jose Duarte) from August 2019 to January 2020 A. Wutte received a Marshall plan scholarship and a TU Wien KUWI grant! We congratulate!
Final Workshop of the DC:{CD}
28. January 2019 from 9am to 4pm the final workshop of the DCCD (Doctoral College: Computational Design) has taken place in Kontaktraum, Neues EI, Gusshausstr. The GCD members and supervisors met to learn about the work and results of the