
GCD Seminar

On Wednesday June 12th 2024 at 11am Julian Jauk is going to talk about “Advancing 3D Printing of Clay in Architecture”3D printing of ceramics started to gain ground in architecture over the past decades, yet digital fabrication of clay, allowing

GCD Seminar

Wednesday, May 22nd 2024, at 11am Przemyslaw Musialski on Neural Frontiers in Computer Graphics: Exploring Neuro-Symbolic Modeling This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of computer graphics research, with a specific focus on the intersection

GCD Seminar

Talk by Wolf Mangelsdorf on Digital Rapid Prototyping and the BH Object ModelTime: Wednesday 17 April, 1:00 pm, hybrid – in the Conference room of the Faculty for Architecture and Planning of TU Wien – AFDG30 – as well as

GCD Seminar

Wednesday, November 8th 2023, at 11am Marilies Wedl on the topic of her PhD thesis Rational Connections in Complex Structures. You can either attend in person: Seminarraum FAV05 (HA0503), 1040, Favoritenstr. 9-11, 5th flooror join online .

Lecture by Xavier Tellier

live at TU Wien, Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 1040 WienHörsaal 7 (DB02H04), Friday 2 June 2023, 11am: Xavier Tellier is going to talk about“New geometrical properties to make gridshells more affordable and adaptable”

GCD Seminar

On March 15th at 11am Herwig Bretis – Managing Director and proprietor of ArtEngineering GmbH on “Spirit and Works of ArtEngineering”: Assisting artists in transforming their intention into a physical reality is our passion. As structural engineers we decided to

GCD Seminar

On Wednesday January 18th, 11am Zeynep Aksöz Balzar talked about Artificial Narratives: Design in the Age of AI – She is an architect and a creative coder. She is one of two partners of Vienna based design and research collective

GCD Seminar

Lavinia Chiara Tagliabue about Digitization of university assets. on Wednesday 14 December 2022: IM and GIS integration is promising to develop effective digital Asset Management Systems (AMS), in particular, if applied through web-based applications, it can facilitate the management of

GCD Seminar

Talk by Halyna Yefimchuk on Digital fashion as means of intercultural communication: trends, challenges, development, 23 November 2022: Digital technology allows us to exist outside of reality, and today in the virtual dimension people are as active as in everyday

GCD Seminar

Talk by Shajay Bhooshan on Shape-design for 3D concrete printing, 11 May 2022: This presentation, motivated by the rapid growth in large-scale 3D concrete printing (3DCP), addresses the current lack of both computational design tools and integrated design-to-production (DTP) solutions

GCD Seminar

Talk by Markus Königsberger on Multiscale Micromechanics Modeling: From Complex Microstructures to Macroscopic Mechanical Properties Time: Wednesday 27 April 2022, 11:00 am, online. Modeling the mechanical behavior of heterogeneous materials requires capturing the underlying basic mechanisms occurring at microscopic or

GCD Seminar

Talk by Milica Vujovic on Evidence-based Decision Support in Architectural Design Time: Wednesday 6 April 2022, 11:00 am, online The presentation focused on aspects of evidence-based design, as well as its application in different domains of architecture. Special focus was

GCD Seminar

Talk by Benjamin Dillenburger on Additive Manufacturing in Architecture Time: Wednesday 26 January 2022, 11:00 am, online. Information Technology has the potential to challenge traditional paradigms of construction: the digitalization of architecture allows redefining the relationship between geometry, material, and

GCD Seminar

Talk by Thomas Wortmann on Computation in Architecture Time: Wednesday 17 November 2021, 11:00 am, online. In this talk Thomas presented projects from the pioneering computational design practice NOX/Lars Spuybroek, as well as the Future of Us pavilion in Singapore,

GCD Seminar

Talk by Robert Roithmayr on Design and Engineering: Membrane Architecture Time: Wednesday 9 June 2021, 11:00 am, online The content of this lecture was the eccentric design language and the “new architecture” of membrane construction. The aim of the lecture

GCD Seminar

Talk by Arvin Rasoulzadeh and Kiumars Sharifmoghaddam on Class-preserving Isometric Deformations of T-surfaces with Applications in Transformable Designs Wednesday 12 May 2021, 11:00 am, online. Abstract: A Smooth T-surface can be thought of as a generalization of a surface of

GCD Seminar

Talk by Pierre Ecormier-Nocca on Animated Ecosystems in Computer Graphics, Wednesday 28 April 2021, 11:00 am, online. Abstract: Ecosystems and virtual worlds play an important part in a growing number of applications, ranging from movies and video games to simulation

GCD Seminar

Talk by Efilena Baseta on Shape Adaptation through Geometry and Material ‘Intelligence’ Wednesday, 14 April 2021, 11:00 am, online. Abstract: Nowadays, material technology, digital fabrication and computational design allow the planning and realization of shape adaptable designs. Shape adaptation can

GCD Seminar

Talk by Stefan Pillwein on “Elastic Geodesic Grids and Their Planar to Spatial Deployment” Wednesday 10 March 2021, 11:00 am – online. Abstract: Elastic geodesic grids are a novel type of planar–to–spatial deployable structures. They are designed to approximate designer


Talk by Anja Wutte (DCCD) on “Shape Grammar as a Typology Defining Tool for Ancient Egyptian Funerary Monuments” Time: Wednesday 27 January 2021, 11:00 am – online. Abstract: This presentation proposes a parametric shape grammar for ancient Egyptian funerary monuments.