

Talk by Matteo Sgrenzaroli (Gexcel) on “Slam based mobile mapping system: fast geometrical and visual capturing”

Time: Wednesday 16 December 2020, 11:00 am – online.

Abstract: Gexcel (spin off company of the University of Brescia), designs and produces HERON, a slam based, lidar mobile-mapping backpack, fruit of the collaboration with Joint Research Centre EU. The system features a single capture head including two Velodyne Puck LITE sensors (80-100m measuring range; 360°x360° FOV); one inertial system; one panoramic camera acquiring continuously (15hz) and on-demand at 5K resolution. Heron is capable to determine its position and its trajectory in real time and it is provided with post-processing software able to reduce drift effects, clean the noise of moving objects present in the area during the acquisition, and use GNSS coordinates for the geo-localization. Processing workflows, accuracy statements and applied results in several application fields, will be presented during the seminar.

Matteo Sgrenzaroli (Eng, PhD) is co-founder and project manager of the Gexcel- spin off company of the University of Brescia. He supervised the development of a 3-D surface modeling software toolbox employing laser scanner data and digital images as input data. He received the degree in environmental engineering from Politecnico Milan, Italy, in 1997, and the Ph.D. degree from Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands, in 2004. He worked as a Ph.D. fellow at European Commission Research Center (EC-JRC) for the exploitation of satellite radar images for Tropical deforestation monitoring from 1999 to 2001. From October 2001 to February 2003, he has been with a spin-off from the EC-JRC founded in 2001, as project manager for developing software for complete 3D modeling through laser scanner data and digital images. In 1998, 2002 and 2005, he was instrumental in organizing and took part to International expeditions organized by University of Brescia for laser monitoring in Himalayan and African mountain regions.
