
Evolute GmbH

Evolute GmbH has been founded as a spinn-off from TU Wien. The company’s expertise lies in geometric optimization with focus on feasibility of manufacturing in engineering, architecture, and production technologies as well as development of geometry relevant IT-tools and software

Accepted FWF project (Differential Geometry)

“Singularity Closeness of Stewart-Gough Platforms” Agency: Austrian Science Fund, FWF (P30855) Funding: 192.774,76 EUR Start: Summer 2018, duration: 4 years Project leader: Georg Nawratil   General information: This project is devoted to the evaluation of singularity closeness of Stewart-Gough (SG)

Introduction do Deep Learning (May 2017)

Workshop Date May 29, 2017 Location TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, Turm A, 7th floor, Zeichensaal 3 Speakers Pfilipp Grohs (Univ. of Vienna) Michael Wand (Mainz. Univ.)   Program 09:00-10:30 Basic Concepts in Machine Learning 11:00-12:30 Introduction to (Convolutional) Neural

Martin Kilian

Research Group: Applied Geometry member Geometric Modeling and Industrial Geometry Wiedner Hauptst. 8 1040 Wien E-Mail: kilian [at] geometrie (dot) tuwien (dot) ac (dot) at homepage

Applied Computational Design (summer term 2017)

In this course we are going to explore the design potential as well as the performance of essential wooden structures, built entirely by utilizing the elasticity of prefabricated planar or linear elements. The course is primarily offered to members of

AGEO AWARD 2017 (Rendering and Modeling)

“Rendering Large Point Clouds in Web Browsers”(Diploma Thesis) Markus Schütz, 2nd place at AGEO AWARD 2017 (Diploma Thesis Award of the Austrian Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information) Homepage