German Design Award 2018 (Architectural Geometry and Computational Fabrication)
C. Kern, T. Repper won the „German Design Award 2018” for the “RW2 Europan BA2“ project.
C. Kern, T. Repper won the „German Design Award 2018” for the “RW2 Europan BA2“ project.
M. Miro was awarded with two awards: VSS2018 (Vienna young Scientists Symposium): Geometric computation to surface design INDUSTRY 4.0: From Smart Factory to Smart City
From 6th of January 2019 till 6th of March 2019 A. Rasoulzadeh will stay at Centre National de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) at the “Universite de Nantes” for a research stay! Supervision: Prof. Philippe Wenger Topic: Workspace and singularity-free trajectories
ACM Student Research Competition, 2. Place (Graduate Students) for M. Schütz!
Hackathon 2018 Award at Technische Universität Berlin. First prize in the category for Best Dynamo Project: tool “Auto.Cooperate” Team: G. Sibenik and Bollinger+Grohmann Ingenieure
From June to September 2018 K. Krösl visited the Columbia University, New York, USA for a research stay at Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab, Department of Computer Science. Supervisor: Prof. Steven Feiner
For her stay at Columbia University (Prof. Steven Feiner) from June to September 2018 K. Krösl won a GCD research and a VRVis Travel grant! We congratulate!
We are proud to announce that the paper: K. Leimer, M.Birsak, F. Rist, P. Musialski: Sit & Relax: Interactive Design of Body-Supporting Surfaces. Computer Graphics Forum, 37(7), October 2018. was awarded with the “Best Paper Honorable Mention” at the Pacific
Helmut Pottmann, who founded the center and helped it grow and prosper during past 4 years, recently moved to KAUST. Since October 1st, 2018, Michael Wimmer, who has acted as vice director for GCD so far, has taken up the
We are proud to announce that Josef Füssl won a FWF START grant with the submitted project “Making wood predictable through computational methods“. Congratulation! Project leader: Josef Füssl Duration: 6 years Agency: FWF START-Programm Abstract: Wood as structural bearing
The members of the research group Applied Geometry proudly proclaim that our head Helmut Pottmann was honored with three outstanding awards this year. Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2018) Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award (2018) Pierre
“Generating surfaces from curvature — a playful approach” Agency: Austrian Science Fund, FWF [TCS 52] Duration: 08/2018 – 01/2020 Project leader: Christian Müller
The members of the Center for Geometry and Computational Design cordially invite interested faculty, students, company representatives and the interested public to our fifth Symposium on Geometry and Computational Design on Oct 25, 2018 at the Kuppelsaal of TU Wien.
“Geometric shape generation” Joint Project between Austria (FWF) and Japan (JSPS) Project leader (Austria): Udo Hertrich-Jeromin People: Maria Lara Miro, Denis Polly, Florian Rist Project leader (Japan): Miyuki Koiso Start: 1 Apr 2018 – 31 Mar 2020 (approved 5 Mar
Opera in three acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart With Hany Abdelzaher, Sofija Almazova, Muratkan Atam, Ghazal Kazemi, Yaonjae Kim, Namil Kim, Erik Rousi, Aleksandra Szmyd, Eyrun Unnarsdottir, Xin Wang, and others. As well as choir and symphony orchestra of MUK.
“Singularity Closeness of Stewart-Gough Platforms” Agency: Austrian Science Fund, FWF (P30855) Funding: 192.774,76 EUR Start: Summer 2018, duration: 4 years Project leader: Georg Nawratil General information: This project is devoted to the evaluation of singularity closeness of Stewart-Gough (SG)
“Material-minimizing forms and structures” M. Kilian, D. Pellis, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann ACM Trans. Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 36(6), 2017. Information
Martin Ilcik and Christian Freude won the category “Vienna State Opera challenge” of the VC CultTech Hackathon – Austria’s first hackathon at the intersection of art and IT – with their Project “Indoor navigation system for the Vienna State Opera”.
“Rendering Large Point Clouds in Web Browsers”(Diploma Thesis) Markus Schütz, 2nd place at AGEO AWARD 2017 (Diploma Thesis Award of the Austrian Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information) Homepage
Research project “VR On-Site” simulates operational scenarios with Johanniter. Information
Martin Ilčík won INiTS Award 2016 (11/2016) Homepage
“Extending Separable Subsurface Scattering to Arbitrary Materials“ (Diploma Thesis) Christian Freude won the OCG Advancement Award 2016. (10/2016) Homepage