

Talk by Norbert Pfeifer “Reconstruction of artificial and natural objects from terrestrial Lidar point clouds” Time : Wednesday 15 January, 12:00 – 13:00 Place: Dissertantenzimmer, Freihaus, 8th floor Abstract: The talk will present the Lidar principles for measuring point clouds

This was the GCD Symposium 6

GCD_2019 took place at TU Wien, Kuppelsaal, on Nov 29, 2019 . We had a series of lectures by leading researchers presenting recent developments in geometry, computer graphics, computational design and architectural engineering. Please forward this announcement to people who


Talk by Robert Vierlinger (Bollinger + Grohmann Ingenieure) “Parametric Engineering” Time : Wednesday 11 December, 11:00 – 12:00 Place: Dissertantenzimmer, Freihaus, 8th floor

New equipment

GCD acquired a specially equipped industrial robot for research in human-robot interaction. Furthermore, GCD purchased VR equipment for experiments in human factors in design (Pupil Labs eye tracker, Vive Pro HMD) and a powerful dual-GPU (NVIDIA Titan V) compute workstation.

Marshall plan scholarship fellow

For her research stay at PennState, PA (Dr. Jose Duarte) from August 2019 to January 2020 A. Wutte received a Marshall plan scholarship and a TU Wien KUWI grant! We congratulate!


Talk by Vera Bühlmann “Architecture inachevé” – Gnomonics in the digital Time : Wednesday 15 May, 11:00 – 12:00 Place: Dissertantenzimmer, Freihaus, 8th floor   Abstract: Vitruv dedicated the IX book of his treaties to gnomonics, the building of observatories/sundials.

Final Workshop of the DC:{CD}

28. January 2019 from 9am to 4pm the final workshop of the DCCD (Doctoral College: Computational Design) has taken place in Kontaktraum, Neues EI, Gusshausstr. The GCD members and supervisors met to learn about the work and results of the


Talk by Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Peter Bauer (Structural Design at TU Wien) “Research project – 3D-concrete-printing. Basic principles of structural behavior and tasks for optimization” Time : Wednesday 16 January, 11:00 – 12:00 Place: Dissertantenzimmer, Freihaus, 8th floor


Talk by DI Eduard Artner (Head of „BauMinator“, Baumit GmbH) “3D printing with concrete” Time : Wednesday 05 December, 11:00 – 12:00 Place: Dissertantenzimmer, Freihaus, 8th floor

GCD Seminar

Talk by Michael Jenewein (TU Wien) “Verification of Construction Deviations using Parametric BIM & AR” Time : Wednesday 21 November, 11:00 – 12:00 Place: Dissertantenzimmer

Hackathon 2018 Award

Hackathon 2018 Award at Technische Universität Berlin. First prize in the category for Best Dynamo Project: tool “Auto.Cooperate” Team: G. Sibenik and Bollinger+Grohmann Ingenieure

Research Stay 2018: Columbia University

From June to September 2018 K. Krösl visited the Columbia University, New York, USA for a research stay at Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab, Department of Computer Science. Supervisor: Prof. Steven Feiner

Grants for Research Stay

For her stay at Columbia University (Prof. Steven Feiner) from June to September 2018 K. Krösl won a GCD research and a VRVis Travel grant! We congratulate!

New director of GCD

Helmut Pottmann, who founded the center and helped it grow and prosper during past 4 years, recently moved to KAUST. Since October 1st, 2018, Michael Wimmer, who has acted as vice director for GCD so far, has taken up the